In fall 2017, following the release of her book, The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language and Diné Belonging (University of North Carolina Press, March 2017), Dr. Jacobsen traveled on a brief book tour, beginning at the Navajo Nation museum in Window Rock, Navajo Nation, to promote, give public talks and performances alongside Diné musicians featured in the book, about the book. Please contact her if you are interested in bringing her to speak at your university or in your community ([email protected]).
Talks/Presentations Fall 2019: Italy
10/25, University of Sassari (Sassari, Sardinia), "Ethnographic Songwriting and
Collaborative Research on the Navajo Nation," guest lecture of the class, "Storia della
Musica," Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali, Aula Joyce, via Roma 151,
Open to the public. Presentation will be in Italian.
12/05, University of Pavia (Cremona), "Raccontare attraverso le canzoni: dove la
composizione di canzoni incontra la ricerca etnografica," guest lecture and
performance for the lecture series "Dal Locale al Globale," Dipartimento di Musicologia
e Beni Culturali, Aula Magna, H 16.30. Open to the public. Presentation will be in
Talks/Presentations Fall/Spring 2018
3/30/19 Keynote Speaker, College Music Society, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Fort Lewis
College, Durango, Colorado, 1 pm: open to Fort Lewis College community and Durango residents.
2/15/19 Invited Guest Speaker, Western Carolina University, Department of Anthropology and hosted by the Cherokee Language Program, Cherokee, North Carolina (free and open to members of Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian (EBCI) community), 12:20-1:20 pm
2/02/19 Invited Guest Speaker and Performer, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Gran Quivira, New Mexico. Interpretive Program with the National Park Service and Site Ranger, Raymond Pilgrim.
1/25/19: Invited Guest Speaker and Performer, The Sound of Navajo Country, Navajo Technical University, Crownpoint, Navajo Nation, NTU Library Conference Room (free and open to Crownpoint Community), 11-1:30
11/01/18 Invited interviewee, featuring The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language and Diné Belonging, CaMP Anthropology Blog with Ilana Gershon, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University.
12/12/18 Invited Guest Speaker, SITE Santa Fé, “Digest This,” featuring The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language and Diné Belonging.
11/29/18 Invited Guest Speaker, "Music Appreciation," UNM Music Department.
11/02/18 Invited Guest Speaker, AMST 560, “Critical Regionalism: Discourses on the Southwest,” Gabriel Meléndez, Professor, Department of American Studies and Director, UNM Center for Regional Studies.
10/26/2018 Invited Guest Speaker, “Diversity and Equity in Music Education,” Regina Carlow, Music Education.
10/26, Guest Lecturer for UNM class, "Equity and Diversity in Education," Dr. Regina Carlow, Department of Music
11/02, Guest Lecturer for UNM class,
Talks/Presentations Summer 2017, Sardinia, Italy:
~Book Signing and Solo Show at Centro Servizi Culturale UNLA Oristano, "Il Giardino dei Libri," for The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language and Diné
Belonging (2017, University of North Carolina Press; book introduction by Dr. Ignazio
Macchiarella, University of Cágliari, Italy), via Carpaccio 9, Oristano
Invited Talks/Presentations, Fall 2016
~October 18, 13.00-17:00: Songwriting Workshop, Löftadalens Folkhögskula,
Åsa, Sweden
~October 27, 15.00-17.00: "Indian Cowboys: The Politics of Place in Navajo Country Music," Invited Book Talk, University of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy: Dipartimento di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio
~November 10, 8:30-10:30: Presentation at Society for Ethnomusicology Annual
Meeting, Washington, D.C.
~November 18: Presentation at American Anthropological Association Annual
Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
Invited Talks/Presentations, Spring 2016
~February 19, 12-1:15: Keynote Speaker, "Critical Anthropology of Race" Speaker
Series, Brown University Department of Anthropology
~March 28, J.D. Robb Composer's Symposium, "Indigenizing Art Music"
"Radmilla's Voice: Race, Song and Belonging on the Navajo Nation," University
of New Mexico Department of Music
~March 31, Roundtable Facilitator/Discussion Leader, "Indigeneity, Identity and the
Arts": Panelists Warren Montoya (Santa Ana/Santa Clara Pueblos), Raven
Chacón (Diné), Trevor Reed (Hopi) and Valerie Naranjo (Southern Ute).
Invited Talks/Presentations, Fall 2015
~November 18-22, Organizer/Presenter: "Navajo Expressive Culture." American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
~December 3-5, Presenter: "Songwriting and Social Media" panel, Society for
Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.
Talks/Presentations Fall 2019: Italy
10/25, University of Sassari (Sassari, Sardinia), "Ethnographic Songwriting and
Collaborative Research on the Navajo Nation," guest lecture of the class, "Storia della
Musica," Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali, Aula Joyce, via Roma 151,
Open to the public. Presentation will be in Italian.
12/05, University of Pavia (Cremona), "Raccontare attraverso le canzoni: dove la
composizione di canzoni incontra la ricerca etnografica," guest lecture and
performance for the lecture series "Dal Locale al Globale," Dipartimento di Musicologia
e Beni Culturali, Aula Magna, H 16.30. Open to the public. Presentation will be in
Talks/Presentations Fall/Spring 2018
3/30/19 Keynote Speaker, College Music Society, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Fort Lewis
College, Durango, Colorado, 1 pm: open to Fort Lewis College community and Durango residents.
2/15/19 Invited Guest Speaker, Western Carolina University, Department of Anthropology and hosted by the Cherokee Language Program, Cherokee, North Carolina (free and open to members of Eastern Band of Cherokee Indian (EBCI) community), 12:20-1:20 pm
2/02/19 Invited Guest Speaker and Performer, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument, Gran Quivira, New Mexico. Interpretive Program with the National Park Service and Site Ranger, Raymond Pilgrim.
1/25/19: Invited Guest Speaker and Performer, The Sound of Navajo Country, Navajo Technical University, Crownpoint, Navajo Nation, NTU Library Conference Room (free and open to Crownpoint Community), 11-1:30
11/01/18 Invited interviewee, featuring The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language and Diné Belonging, CaMP Anthropology Blog with Ilana Gershon, Department of Anthropology, Indiana University.
12/12/18 Invited Guest Speaker, SITE Santa Fé, “Digest This,” featuring The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language and Diné Belonging.
11/29/18 Invited Guest Speaker, "Music Appreciation," UNM Music Department.
11/02/18 Invited Guest Speaker, AMST 560, “Critical Regionalism: Discourses on the Southwest,” Gabriel Meléndez, Professor, Department of American Studies and Director, UNM Center for Regional Studies.
10/26/2018 Invited Guest Speaker, “Diversity and Equity in Music Education,” Regina Carlow, Music Education.
10/26, Guest Lecturer for UNM class, "Equity and Diversity in Education," Dr. Regina Carlow, Department of Music
11/02, Guest Lecturer for UNM class,
Talks/Presentations Summer 2017, Sardinia, Italy:
~Book Signing and Solo Show at Centro Servizi Culturale UNLA Oristano, "Il Giardino dei Libri," for The Sound of Navajo Country: Music, Language and Diné
Belonging (2017, University of North Carolina Press; book introduction by Dr. Ignazio
Macchiarella, University of Cágliari, Italy), via Carpaccio 9, Oristano
Invited Talks/Presentations, Fall 2016
~October 18, 13.00-17:00: Songwriting Workshop, Löftadalens Folkhögskula,
Åsa, Sweden
~October 27, 15.00-17.00: "Indian Cowboys: The Politics of Place in Navajo Country Music," Invited Book Talk, University of Cagliari, Sardegna, Italy: Dipartimento di Storia, Beni Culturali e Territorio
~November 10, 8:30-10:30: Presentation at Society for Ethnomusicology Annual
Meeting, Washington, D.C.
~November 18: Presentation at American Anthropological Association Annual
Meeting, Minneapolis, MN
Invited Talks/Presentations, Spring 2016
~February 19, 12-1:15: Keynote Speaker, "Critical Anthropology of Race" Speaker
Series, Brown University Department of Anthropology
~March 28, J.D. Robb Composer's Symposium, "Indigenizing Art Music"
"Radmilla's Voice: Race, Song and Belonging on the Navajo Nation," University
of New Mexico Department of Music
~March 31, Roundtable Facilitator/Discussion Leader, "Indigeneity, Identity and the
Arts": Panelists Warren Montoya (Santa Ana/Santa Clara Pueblos), Raven
Chacón (Diné), Trevor Reed (Hopi) and Valerie Naranjo (Southern Ute).
Invited Talks/Presentations, Fall 2015
~November 18-22, Organizer/Presenter: "Navajo Expressive Culture." American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
~December 3-5, Presenter: "Songwriting and Social Media" panel, Society for
Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas.